
Calmlink has 3 main modes - Graph, Animation and Game.

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Calmlink is the only official software authorized by Thought Technology LCC, the manufacturer of GSR2 and GSR2/Temp2x personal biofeedback devices.

If was specifically developed, tested and validated to work with the GSR2 monitors that are approved by FDA.
Main Features:
- Full feature graphics display;
- Multiple tone and musical instrument sound feedback;
- Changing shapes and pictures tied to relaxation;
- Full feature recording and viewing of past sessions;
- Event Markers: a user can mark up specific events and save for further analysis. The markers will appear as vertical line on the graphs for easy detection.
- Can be used as a lie detector or relaxation trainer.
- Export data to Excel for other scientific analysis;
- Pacman style game that speeds up and slows down as you relax.

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